Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1 year later

Here we are just 1 year after Doug's passing. This picture was taken on my 38th birthday. (now you know how old I am!) We are doing well. The boys are adjusted to our new life in California. We are active in our church and at Parker's school; Ripon Christian.
It has never been my plan to be a single parent. Let me say that it is not an easy task. I am so blessed that I do not have to go to a job everyday. I am wokring a little here and there. I am finally doing what a love. Taking care of my family and telling our story.
God's work is wonderous. His plan is unbelievable. There are many things that I do not understand. What I do understand is that everything happens for a reason. You need to listen to your life. Take time to think about why and what is happening in your life. Not all of God's plan seems fair when it is happening. I would change some of things that have happened in my life for sure. But you know what? I can't! How funny is that?
Looks like we only have one choice in life,
Live Live Outloud!