Thursday, September 10, 2009

Slow down to smell the roses

There are times when God will do whatever he has to in order to get us to "chill-ax" a little. This is something that I have experienced many times in my life. Last week for example I was bending over in the car to pick my purse up and WHAMMO; out goes my back. Now many of you know that I have a bad back. I have suffered from this for almost 20 years. Which makes me feel very old. Any who... there I sat in terrible pain in the front seat of my car. I suddenly thought how am I going to get Brady out of his car seat, let alone get myself out of the front seat. Some how God gave my strength to get out, get Brady out of his seat and upstairs to his bed. Then I was on my back to three days. Slowly the pain eased up and I was better by the week-end.

I decided that I was going to fast and God wanted me to slow down. I actually got a lot done that I would not have normally. Most importantly I completed the bible study section for the week of an intense study I am doing right now. Funny how that worked out.

Life is short. Take time to smell the roses. Live Life Outloud